Hello —

So Thomas’ birthday was Feb 28 we went to Discovery Place kids in Huntersville, his friends from church met us there and because we had the membership they were able to get in for free.  It was so much fun, so much to do and see; A fire engine  that kids and their parents could climb in, a cafe with pretend food, a bank with a drive up window, an aquarium room with a submarine.  After Discovery Place we  all went back to Thomas’ dad house and he gave me some money to go and buy some pizza for everyone.   Once I came back  we had pizza, cake  and ice cream, and the children all had fun playing together. Thomas and I stayed the night due to it being late, and I don’t drive well at night. the next night we had Thomas’ birthday dinner at Phat Daddies. Everyone had a lovely time.  Thomas’ dad took Thomas home with him for a few nights because the next night  March 2 I was going in for surgery to have my spleen removed.  The surgery went well , no complications.  It took a day or so for the doctors to get my meds straightened out.  I came home yesterday, March 5th. Today I am feeling good, sore, and dizzy.  Its been so nice to have such good support though. My aunts on my dad’s side sent me  gifts, one sent me flower bouquet, one sent me a cookie bouquet with two teddies, my friends have been calling me daily to check up on me.